I receive lots of questions about hiking gear usage, boot fitting and lacing, gear maintenance, and more! With all of that inspiration I regularly put together write-ups and how to videos.
If there are certain things you want to see let me know and I will write about the most popular topics you ask about!
Happy trails!
How to Lace Hiking Boots to Prevent Heel Blisters

How to Lace Trail Shoes/Low Top Hiking Shoes to Prevent Heel Blisters
One of the most asked questions from Hiking Lady readers! This isn’t a video, but there are pictures explaining the lacing technique. Happy trails!
Prepping Your Feet to Prevent Blisters

How to Waterproof Your Hiking Boots

How to Use a SteriPEN to Treat Water

How to Use a SteriPEN Pre-Filter

How to Use a JetBoil Personal Cooking System

Packing for A 3-Night Backpacking Trip

How to Unpack Well

How to Clean Trail Running Shoes

How to Scare a Bear!

Great tips! I’ve been hiking my entire life, and still struggle with issues (like getting blisters on long hikes). These tips are really creative. You have so much insight!
Even though there are no bears where I go hiking and camping, It’s always something I’ve been interested in. ( I like to be prepared!).
Yep, great point OCDemon. We wrote about the CamelBak All Clear, the bottle you’re referring to, when it came out. More info here. Happy trails, and thanks for sharing 🙂
On the subject of Steripens, Camelbak makes a bottle with the UV light inside, so you just fill up the bottle and press a button. No filter, though…you can get a filter Camelbak bottle, and fill up one, then pour it into the other. Kinda silly, but it works.
Hi Karen! Thanks! Great question. It can be tricky to get a backpack to fit properly.
My tips? 1) Make sure that the hip belt is on properly…meaning that it is on your hips, and tight. Not so tight to be uncomfortable, but tight enough that you’re able to slip your fingers underneath the shoulder straps. ie, Almost all of the weight of the pack should rest on your hips, not your shoulders.
2) Adjust the shoulder straps so that they don’t cut underneath your arms. This just takes practice adjusting, and there is the possibility that the pack just don’t fit right for you.
3). Adjust the smaller straps to tweak the fit…such as the sternum strap and side straps. Make sure you have a women’s specific pack. Men’s packs/unisex backpacks definitely don’t leave any room for breasts! The sternum strap on a woman’s pack generally can be adjusted to fit above the breasts.
Hope that helps and good luck! Happy trails.
I just came across your website thanks to Pinterest, and am definitely pinning it as a go-to resource. I was curious, do you have any tips on how to adjust a backpack to fit properly? I started to get more into hiking last summer, and bought a basic backpack to get used to the idea of carrying a pack. As I get more advanced, I’ll buy a better one. But for now, how to I properly fit all those straps? I’m a heavy set woman, and I found last summer I got a lot of chaffing on my chest, by the armpits, and I kept fiddling with the straps (over arm, waist and one that seems to go right over my cleavage) to no avail.
We’ve created award-winning training on how to use poles:
1. POLES for Hiking, Trekking & Walking
2. POLES for Balance & Mobility
Both DVD’s are almost 2 hours of training helping people learn how to achieve the many benefits that optimal use provides.
Optimal use enables people to improve balance, posture, endurance, upper body strength and confidence. Our hiking DVD helps people achieve greater power and enhanced performance on a variety of terrain. Our mobility DVD enables people to achieve and even regain mobility as well as improve gait and basic walking.
I’d appreciate if you could let your many readers know of these DVD’s so that they will have the option of learning more about using poles properly.
Many Thanks! Jayah
Great video on boot lacing! It saved my heels!! Thank you Hiking Lady 🙂