Vasque hiking shoes and boots have a reputation for being high quality yet affordable. Since proper fitting boots are arguably the most important item that any hiker needs, it is very important that you invest in a good pair that fit your feet well.
All of us have different feet… some are wide, some are narrow, some have high arches, others have low. Therefore, the best thing you can do is figure out what brand works best for you and then stick with it! For those of you with lower volume, narrow feet (like me), Vasque is at the top of my list. And for those of you with wider feet, check out some of the Hiking Lady Reviews of Keen and Wolverine boots.
- Lightweight. For a sturdy hiking boot, the Vasque Takus are definitely lightweight. They weigh just 1 pound 15 ounces, which is much lighter than comparable boots.
- Run narrow. Similar to other Vasque trail running shoes and boots that I’ve worn, the Vasque Takus run narrow, which is great for me (and for those of you that have narrow feet).
- Top notch Vibram traction. As with almost all high quality boots, the outsole uses Vibram traction technology. I found the grip was very good on slippery rocks in Joshua Tree National Park as well as on local dirt trails. Walking downhill is the best way to test the grip, and the Taku passed!

- A little stiff. The Takus took me about a week to break in because the leather is a little bit stiff. My feet got used to them and now they’re super comfortable.
- Price: $170 at REI
- Weight: 1 pound 15 ounces
The verdict? If you’re looking for a lightweight yet very hardcore hiking boot, the Takus are a good choice, especially if you have medium width or narrow feet! Remember to check out Hiking Lady’s 10 Tips for Hiking Boot Shopping, including why you should generally order 1/2 size larger than your street shoes.