As I’ve discussed in my hiking sock gear advice page and my Blister Prevention Tips page, one of the best way to prevent blisters when hiking is to wear liner socks underneath a bulkier hiking sock.
When I first saw the Injinji toe sock liners at the store, I was skeptical. I wondered how my toes would like having their own individual spot, and whether it would even fit since humans all have such differently shaped toes. I was convinced by the salesman to give them a try, and I haven’t looked back. Now I wear them on almost every hiking trip.
They are constructed so that each toe “sock” is seamless, so there isn’t a chance for rubbing. Therefore, no blisters! Plus, since they are constructed of a mix of polyester and nylon, they stretched to fit my toes perfectly, and of course are highly “wicking” so my feet stay dry in my boots.
The drawback? They’re always sold out! All of my hiking friends are wearing them now, and the word is getting out that these funny looking liner socks are preventing a lot of blisters and unhappy feet on the trail 🙂 REI sometimes has them in stock, otherwise try Even though it says “Men’s Liner sock”, they are unisex. A small fits women’s shoe sizes 6-8.5, and medium fits women’s 9-11.5.
The next best alternative are the SmartWool liner socks – these really work well too!
If they weren’t so pricey I’d own several pairs of Injinji toe socks (I only have 2 pairs now).

Yes I absolutely wear both, even in hot weather! Great question!
I will be hiking in the rugged mountains of Israel in the dead of summer. For the past 4 months I’ve been wearing hiking boots and Smartwool socks (love them!) and haven’t had a blister yet but occasionally get hot spots. I’m wondering if I should get a sock liner. Do you wear both a liner and sock in hot weather (upper 90s)? Seems like both would be far too hot but better than blisters.
Jane, could you wear sock liners (polyester or other fabric) under wool socks, or would that still be a problem?
GM, I am allergic to wool. What sock(s) would you recommend for hiking the camino?
I have recently walked the Kokoda Track in New Guinea and had a wonderful time.
The trek took eight days to complete and during that time I didn’t have any problems with my feet.
Each night before retiring I rubbed paw paw cream into them and then in the morning did the same and then put on a pair of Injinji sock liners under my normal hiking socks.
I loved them and they made my trek a comfortable one.
I was in Rei in Denver about five days ago and they had a very large supply if Injinji socks so I think they are still carrying them.
About a year ago with some trepidation I bought Injinji hiking socks for everyday wear until I could get back on the trail. Couldn’t believe the comfort and the coolness in the heat of our South Louisiana summer yet the warmth in our unusually cold winter. They’re a definite part of my trail wear now.
These look great. Been looking for something like this for a couple of years.
They now come in gray and black. The white ones tended to get a bit dirty looking, but the gray ones are great. I love my new gray pair!
Did they get rid of the white ones? I can’t seem to find them!