The film covers a team led by Russell Brice in the deadly 2006 climbing season: their successes and failures and the patience and discipline required to make an Everest attempt.
While many of the personalities profile are not endearing, the bright spot is an asthmatic climber Mogens, who has a dream to summit Everest without supplemental oxygen! The film spends a lot of time capturing the trials and tribulations of each of the climbers, with little time left to film the climb itself or the majesty of Mt. Everest.
But if you’re looking for an up front seat on what an Everest attempt is really like, then this film is for you. Otherwise, poking around the Discovery Channel’s website is more fun, especially the neat facts about Mt. Everest and video from the Sherpa Cams! The sherpas are truly amazing people – without them, the climb would be impossible for many amateurs and pros alike!
And lastly, I can’t agree that these men are “heros”, as the Discovery Channel’s narrator loves to repeat. How is it heroic to disobey the orders of the climbing leader, and willingly put yourself and sherpas at risk of death?
Hiking Lady’s Recommendation: 2 of 5 stars