Getting Off the Grid!

How do you disinfect water in an emergency situation? When I go backpacking, I bring along my SteriPEN Adventurer Opti, which is small, lightweight, and makes wilderness water safe to drink. But what about something that is powered by human kinetic energy, rather than batteries? SteriPEN realized that it would be nice to have a …


Hiking Gear Deals November 2010

This year just flew by! It is almost time for snowshoeing (some of you are enjoying this already!), Thanksgiving, Christmas and the winter holidays! Here’s the list I’ve complied of the best deals I’ve found on hiking apparel and gear (think holiday gifts!), and some free stuff and contests! REI Coupons! REI’s Winter is November …


Using my JetBoil in the Wilderness!

How do you cook in the backcountry? I have been using my JetBoil Personal Cooking System for the last couple of years because of its convenience, ease of use, and relatively compact size. There are other stoves that are smaller and lighter, but this one offers the best overall solution for what I want in …


Backpack the Grand Canyon Winners!

The winners have been selected for the October Hiking Lady contest! They will each be mailed a copy of the DVD, Backpack the Grand Canyon! The winners are: Barbara Christine W. Diane V. Jeff O. Ronald H. Thank you to everyone who entered, and be sure to sign up for the November contest – you’ll …


Hiking Lady’s Winter Contest

Injinji Midweight Toesock

You’ve heard about how toe socks can help prevent blisters, and how great they are for trail running and hiking… Now you have a chance to win a pair! Note: Existing subscribers are welcome to enter. Don’t worry, you won’t get duplicate emails 🙂 One winner will be chosen at random based on entries through …


Car Camping in Luxury

Two weeks ago I enjoyed a few days of hiking and climbing in Joshua Tree National Park, a unique desert environment in Southern California. It was a car camping trip, so our cars were stuffed with coolers, big tents, thick air mattresses, and more. What a contrast from a backpacking trip! Sitting around the campfire …


Goodhew Extreme Sock Drawer Makeover – Part Deux

Hiking Lady readers were all clamoring for the 12 new pairs of socks in last month’s Hiking Lady Goodhew Extreme Sock Drawer Makeover, so Goodhew agreed to do it again!! Yippeee! That means another lucky Hiking Lady reader will get to choose 12 pairs of super high quality Goodhew socks. If you win, Goodhew will …