Hiking Humor: Go Ultra Light

Eewww! Certainly not how I go ultralight! Special thanks to the very talented and creative hiker, Geolyn “Boots” Carvin, for letting me share her hilarious cartoons. Her website, On the Trail with Boots McFarland, has many more funny cartoons about the trail adventures of the female hiker, Boots. Boots is based on Geolyn’s years of …


Amazing Video of Utah and Arizona Landscapes

I was checking out the Sierra Trading Post blog, and stumbled up this breathtaking time lapse video of landscapes in Arizona and Utah. Since I just returned from an amazing hiking trip to Arches National Park and Canyonlands near Moab, Utah, I thoroughly enjoyed watching this. Be sure to click “Full Screen” in the lower …


Beautiful Walking Sticks? Yes!

I’ve never thought of trekking poles or walking sticks as having the potential to be beautiful…and perhaps it is because I have typically used the aluminum or carbon fiber poles from outdoor stores. Recently I had the chance to try out a pair of solid wood, hand crafted U.S. made walking sticks from a company …


And the Best Hiking Underwear Is….

What is the best hiking underwear for women? If you’ve already read the Hiking Lady’s Hiking 101: Hiking Underwear, then read on. You know what to shop for! Otherwise, check that out then continue on here. Last month the search began for the best hiking underwear (see Hiking Lady Blog post: The Best Hiking Underwear?) …


Bushnell D-TOUR GPS Winner!

And the drumroll please… congratulations to Charisse MacLaren Heard who won the Bushnell D-TOUR GPS in this month’s Hiking Lady giveaway! Thank you to everyone who entered and a special thank you to Bushnell for partnering with Hiking Lady for this giveaway. The response was overwhelming! For all of you with stories about getting lost, …


One With Nature

“Those who know do not talk Those who talk do not know Keep your mouth closed Guard your senses Temper your sharpness Simplify your problems Mask your brightness Be at one with the dust of the earth This is primal union. One who has achieved this state Is unconcerned with friends and enemies With good …


Win a Bushnell D-TOUR GPS!

Bushnell Backtrack D-Tour

Do you like getting lost? If the answer is NO and you like to know where you are, then you’ll want to enter the latest Hiking Lady contest for a chance to win a brand new Bushnell Backtrack D-TOUR GPS! These are powerful little devices that are VERY easy to use, lightweight, and have a …