For the last 8 years, I have had one favorite cool weather hiking hat – my Outdoor Research Seattle Sombrero. On cool days, misty days, and even sunny days, the Outdoor Research Seattle Sombrero is still my go-to hat after testing many others. Why? It is all around awesome (see the Hiking Lady review) and the reason I’m bringing it up again is because the amazing community at Massdrop is offering a steal on this hat for the next couple of days.
For those of you who don’t know Massdrop, they are a San Francisco based group purchasing site, where community members can discuss the best gear, vote on what they want to see “dropped” in price, then buy products at a highly discounted price. Pretty cool, huh!? The best part is that you sign up for free (no catches – I know since I’ve done it myself), and join the “communities” of interest to you. Obviously, I joined the “Outdoors” and “Ultralight” Hubs.

Right now the Seattle Sombrero is listed on Massdrop at just $37.99 plus $2.95 shipping. Keep in mind that I paid over $50 when I bought mine 8 years ago!! Today they now sell for $60 at stores like REI and you can save a mere nickel and pay $59.95 at Amazon. That’s why it is a STEAL now at Massdrop for just $37.99. So check it out! The only catch is that it literally won’t be available at the end of the week.
Hope this is helpful because I want all of you to get great deals! The only thing better than hiking is finding great deals on hiking gear ๐
Happy trails!
Thanks for the feedback Dodger Fan and Donna!
I look fwd. to the reviews on HL; Hats are so important for many reasons for hikers, weight , cost, usefulness, appearance, etc. Thank you again for all you do for us hikers!
Keep up the good work and continue to remind us what Smokey the Bear has taught us re. safety and fire prevention!
Thank you for this great tip Hiking Lady. I always like a deal and I could use a new hat too.
I appreciate the fact that you are always on top of all of this. Happy Trails ๐