Want to get geared up for the worst case scenario! Enter to win this month’s Hiking Lady giveaway of a backpack loaded with all of the supplies you’ll need!
What’s included:
- The Last Savanna by Mike Bond
- Survival card multi tool (Kikkerland)
- Colorful Bandanna (Carolina Mfg)
- Coghlan’s – 2 camping items (items may vary) (Coghlans)
- Aquatabs water purification tablets (AquaTabs)
- Clearon neutral pH bleach tablets (Clearon)
- Nuun flavored electrolyte tablets (Nuun)
- Element Bars nutritional energy bar (Element Bars)
- Gear Aid – Seam Grip and Tenacious Tape repair patches (Gear Aid)
- Badger organic sunblock and lip balm (Badger)
- Grabber Emergency Blanket (Grabber)
- HeatMax Hand Warmers (HeatMax)
- Action Wipes (ActionWipes)
- Women’s Adventure Magazine
- Outdoor Sports Guide Magazine
- Out There Monthly
- Easy Access Bandages (Tender Corporation)
How to Enter:
Just write a short comment below and you’ll be entered.
Winner will be chosen February 28, 2014. Good luck!
Update: Winner Chosen!
Congratulations to Melanie Hurley! Thank you to everyone who entered, and please check back and enter next month’s gear giveaway 🙂
Happy trails!
Be sure to sign up for Hiking Lady’s free email newsletter to stay apprised of upcoming gear giveaways, hiking gear reviews, and more!
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Just started backpacking and I am for the long haul. Glad I accidentaly discovered your Website!
Just found your blog….love it! So much information and so fun too!
Last year I got stranded during a hike. This would have definitely helped.
Thanks so much for the chance to win such great supplies.
I’m new to backpacking, but am planning a 96 mile hike in 2015!
Will be starting the ADT in March. Sure could use this. Happy trails.
I took my first “real” hike in the ADK last summer and I was completely hooked- I just stumbled upon this website and am so excited I found it! I need to start purchasing my own gear, so far I only have my hiking boots…
Great Prizes! Would definitely give me the incentive to get out there and hike.
What a great selection. I could totally use that.
Lots of good points a welcome addition to the online hiking community
Love the selection!
This looks great. Would be nice have as I try to earn my VIPP and hiking stick for the WV state Parks Hiking program with my family.
Looks like something valuable to have on a hike!
That would be great for hiking with my family and my Boy Scout Troop.
Of all the items you could give away, I’m so thankful it is an array of items that are so essential. Thank you.
Heading out for a multi-week hike late spring … would be great to have some of these awesome essentials in my pack! Annnd… since winter just keeps coming here in the Northeast – a fabulous book to read while watching the snow fall would be marvelous! Pick me, pick me! 😉
Awesome array of products that would be beneficial on my planned AT adventure. Love your site – your boot tying tips saved me from previous miserable bouts with blisters.
Would love to win this great prize!
I could really use all of these items and the book is such a great thing to add. Please pick me!
I’ve started a hiking diary to log the adventures my daughter and I undertake. We started last fall and haven’t covered much ground yet, but now that the fair weather is here, we’re hitting the trails at full steam!
Winning something like this would be a great help in getting her started with gear of her own.
Great site btw!
This is a terrific assortment of goodies! Is this my lucky day?!! : )
Be prepared! This looks like a great selection of gear and necessities. Would love to add it to my pack!
I checked out the book, and it looks really interesting!
Hiking is our favorite way to keep in shape. We enjoy camping a few times each year. Thanks for the chance to win that handy survival kit.
Hiking the West Coast Trail in the fall with a friend. We could sure use a kit like this to keep us comfortable and safe!
Looks like a lot of nice things to read and try out! I don’t think I’ve tried any of these products. Thank you putting such a great package together!!
Great items, love the Badger Balm! Can’t wait to start hiking this year. 🙂
Love this site. Thank you!
I could really use this survival kit, especially since I will be leaving on a trip to South America in March!
This would be fantastic!
My son and I are looking forward to our first backpacking adventure this Spring.
Wonderful variety of items that would be most useful.
Wow! Would be like Christmas as a child all over again having items I only dream about. When the weather is bad, spread them around the den and dream and plan some more. When the weather is good, pack ’em up and hit the trail! Wonderful idea!
Great prizes never know when needed
I’ll be newly (early) retired on March 7th. I plan on spending a lot of time out and about in the wilderness. This would be great!
Wow great stuff!
I’m hiking up to LeConte Lodge in September. Would LOVE to have this survival pack 🙂
I love all your recommeded gear, boots, clothing, etc. You are always right. I have purchased many of these things and always love them. Since I hike 2 or 3 times a week, I am always wearing out gear. This giveaway would be awesome. Thank you.
My husband is a die hard hiker. I have been somewhat reserved about the whole thing but we are planning to go to Sweden and hike the Kungsleden trail (78 miles). So I am in the process of researching the best boots, back packs, and survival gear for me to take along ont he trail.
At first I wasn’t real sure about all this but now I am getting excited and can’t wait to spend some quality time with him in this awesome place.
This package would be a great asset to our hike.
Looks like a fun package.
That is fantastic! What a wonderful way to kick off the spring hiking season. Don’t know about the rest of you but I am past ready for warmer days and beautiful flowers. Would love to try these products.
Happy Hiking
Great selection of gear!
I always carry a survival straw & a set of basic survival cards (these help to focus and keep you on the S.T.O.P. method).
These are great items and usually some or all are forgotten or not thought about. Congrats on putting them all together!
need this to get prepared for my hike this summer!
This is pretty sweet stuff
Wow! I would really love to have this! I’m new to hiking and am loving it!
Count me in – could use these to go hiking for sure!
This July, my husband and I are doing the JMT. We got our permits, and we are looking forward to this adventure. Winning these goodies would be great for our trip!
Thank you for the valuable advice available on this site. It is extremely helpful in planning our upcoming Kilimanjaro trip. The survival pack looks great – just what I need :).
I’ve never been on a major hike before, but I’m slowly building up the necessities so I can enjoy it! (Your check-list is a HUGE help!) Just finished a First Aid course and this stuff looks like it would be -very- handy to have! 🙂 Awesome website!
Would be perfect for my Colorado trip this summer!
Great hiking goodies! Thanks for the contest Hiking Lady and fingers crossed! 🙂
Hi there Hiking Lady! I’ve been reading your blog and have found it very helpful for a young lady like myself! I’m still a teenager and I’m planning on backpacking with my brother in the near future! I’ve been saving up for a trip to Ecaudor and this Adventure Survival Kit is almost a neccessity! Please consider me for this contest! Thank you!
Would be great to win something like this! 🙂
I’m starting to go backpacking pretty frequently with my husband, and this would definitely help!
Wonderful and practical giveaway! Thank you 🙂
Thank you Hiking Lady for giving me an opportunity to win this wonderful Adventure Survival Pack full of great brand
It’s great that you’re getting out there and loving life! Keep it up!
I love you HikingLady.com! Thanks for all the tips and info you post..and the great giveaways! I am excited to know there is a community of women who are enthusiastic about hiking and nature…as well as being encouraging and inspiring too!
What a very great give-away. As a young enthusiastic hiker gal, I would love to read the Women’s Adventure Magazine. The goodies are a awesome extra 😀
Finally a “lady” and the wild outdoors combined with adventure and awareness of wilderness, exploring its beauty while surviving. I’ve been searching online for women who go out and explore and enjoy the outdoors. I’ve recently become more interested in survival skills as well as camping, foraging and hiking. Not to much is out on the web for women to watch or read about, so I’m extremely excited to have come across your website. I look forward to reading about your adventures as well as creating my own. Thank you for the inspiration, peaceful trails.
All too often people simply don’t carry these essentials. This kit would go a long ways towards making a challenging situation more bearable.
Yes please and thank you!
Thank you for the opportunity
Wow This packet looks awesome! Would really come in handy on my long-distance backpacking trips.Pat aka trekkngirl
As every Girl Scout knows, “Always be prepared!”
Great package, especially love the book the Last Savannah and the matching cinch bag.
Sitting here snuggled in reading “A Walk in the Woods” by Bill Bryson dreaming of future hiking adventures and thinking this pack could come in handing up in the U.P. woods where I wander.
Great prize!
This is awesome!
It’s my Birthday and I wants it………. Golem…
Awesome gear for a pinch
Great site!
I love to wander the trials! With this pack, I’ll never be lost.
Looking forward to hiking in Zion, Utah, the Redwood Nat. Park in California and the Napali Coast in Kauai, Hawaii in 2014.
Looks like an adventure waiting to happen…
What a cool idea.
Wow, this is so generous of you. I’m currently writing a survival book about a teenage girl lost in the bush, this would be amazing to integrate into the book. Many thanks.
Nothing beats reading a great magazine in the great outdoors to inspire the mind and soul! This hiking chick kit will keep us all happy whoever we may be!
I would like that 🙂
Didn’t have my glasses on.
Thought it said “Hike Blond”.
I definately need a survival pack!
I’m new to hiking and have been hitting all my goals in anticipation of a multiday hike. I could def use some gear!
I REALLY need this stuff!! 🙂
Spring is just around the corner…right!! Can’t wait! Great giveaway. Good luck everyone!
Well thought out survival pack! I love that it includes Women’s Adventure Magazine!
Wow! What a wonderful assortment! Would be a totally awesome win!
Would be an awesome addition for my Colorado trip!!
Great idea!!!! Much needed items.
Need it!!
Amazing items!!! Thank you for always sharing with us!
As always your prizes are just what I need! ( or want). I. Reference your site to all my hiking gal friends and hubby too!
So many useful things.
The Adventure Survival Pack!!!! Just the right kit for the Adventure filmmaker!!! It would be really cool to have it.
i would love to win this adventure survival pack and add it to the rest of my gear! Helpful gear and some great reads! 🙂
Great prize. Hope I win!
What a great idea! Would love to win a survival pack!
This would be great to my cub scout den
Now that is a survival kit!! Great!
This would be an asset to anybody that hikes. would love to have these items to carry in my back pack when going on long hikes. Very good quality products
Great list of emergency supplies!
Great selection of items in this adventure survival kit and I would love to have it! Thanks Hiking Lady!
Would be some great additions to my pack!
I am a senior outdoors enthusiast and although I can no longer hike, these items would be great for my cycling adventures. I would wear the pack or stash the items in my panniers!
I Would Luv To Win This Assortment Of Great Stuff!
This adventure pack is amazing! As a hiker myself, this pack is the perfect one for me. It would be great to get my hands on it! 🙂
This is one of the best survival packs I’ve come across. Many of the ones sold online seem to be lacking guides and instructions or come with items with very limited use. I’m glad that there are some good quality survival kits!
I enjoy hiking and will soon be participating in the ‘Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme’ which involves ALOT of hiking and outdoors activities. This adventure pack would be great to start me of on my hikes for the new year!
Found this site thru researching for backpacks for smaller framed women. I am just starting out in the backpacking scene, have been day-hiking the south west for a few years now. Thankful for a site like this and the wealth of newbie-friendly information it contains! Thanks for the time in putting up a site like this.
Would be amazing to win this for my debut backpacking trip 🙂
I love reading your website!!! I would absolutely love to win this package. Even if I don’t, it shows some really nice examples of survival gear! Thanks again for always posting awesome articles!
Great site, Fantastic giveaway! I know where I what I am gonna be doing after work. (Checking out all your articles and videos!)
Great selection of gear! I love your site!!!!
I’m looking at getting back into Hiking!!! I completed my Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards Bronze, Silver and Gold when I was younger and loved the tracks in the various national park’s throughout the British isle. I truly loved The isle of Sky for its beauty and diverse conditions. I’m planning a very special and long Hike to raise money for Charity. The money I hope to raise will be to spread awareness and fund research for Retts Syndrome. This is a neurological disorder that traps little girls inside their own bodies. I am undertaking this hike to remind myself also of how lucky I am to be able to walk and talk and do the things that I love when many cant. I really need as much help as possible!!! Please Please Please consider me when choosing a winner. Many Thanks.
The 10 essentials and more!
Love the site.
Would love this assembly of items!
WOW!!!!!!!!! I love this site and thank you for all your efforts, time and experience you share with us. I am truly grateful for all your help. I actually look halfway experienced when purchasing items for backpacking with your gear reviews!
The survival kit would be fabulous for my 3 day backpacking adventure next month!!!!! Thank you for all you do!
What a great idea having the survival pack as the HL giveaway!
Love your site and enjoy reading the books recommended as well as the gear reviews; please sign me up for the pack of good stuff for the next walk on the wild side!
Keep up the good work!
What a great prize!
Nice bunch of stuff. Always good to see what’s in a survival kit to help plan your own.
This would be helpful when camping
This is a great selection of products that always come in handy. Plus the book – I’m looking forward to reading Mike Bond’s books. The link you attached takes you to his website where you can read about his books and projects.