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Category: Hiking Lady’s Tips

Blisters, Lost Toenails, and Heel Pain? How to Avoid Foot Problems When Hiking.

Lots of Hiking Lady readers have been asking about preventing and curing various foot problems when they hike. There are definitely ways to prevent blisters, save your toenails, and keep your feet (and you!) happy on the trail. My response to Lisa about Losing Toenails from Hiking! My response to Joy about Heel Pain in …


Women Only!

A couple of weeks ago I received a great question on “Ask the Hiking Lady.” An anonymous female outdoors enthusiast asked a question that faces all women, at least for part of their lives: how to deal with your menstrual period backpacking and hiking. Since a lot of women get their advice on hiking, gear, …


How to Waterproof Your Hiking Boots

Every winter season I waterproof my boots multiple times to ensure that I don’t get wet feet while snowshoeing and winter hiking. Last night I applied another layer of sealant to prepare for my upcoming weekend outing to San Jacinto. Check out how easy it is to waterproof your hiking boots!


Heel Pain in Mountaineering Boots

Joy in New York City is headed to Mt. Rainier in a week and just started to get heel pain in her mountaineering boots! Uh oh 🙁 I offered her some suggestions, but if any Hiking Lady readers have other tips let’s help her have happy feet on Mt. Rainier. My tips for Joy to …


Dog friendly hiking and camping?

Do you like to take your pooch with you on your hikes? How about on camping and backpacking trips? I see more and more people taking their dogs with them into the backcountry, and it is a great way to spend quality time with your dog outdoors. Check out my full list of recommendations of …


Blister Problems?

Blisters are an annoying and quite painful problem for many hikers. One Hiking Lady reader continues to have heel blisters, despite following other tips I’ve shared such as wearing a liner sock, using moleskin, and trying Injinji toe sock liners. Check out my answer to this “Ask the Hiking Lady” question, including a quick video …


How to Use a Steripen to Treat Water

Have you heard about SteriPENs but don’t know how they work? In this video I show how I use my SteriPEN to treat water from streams and lakes when I’m backpacking. Want to learn more about Water Treatment? Hiking 101: Water Treatment Gear Review: SteriPEN Classic Gear Review: SteriPEN Adventurer Opti Ask Hiking Lady: Does …


Hiking Lady Tip: Snow Seal Your Boots

If you ever snowshoe, backpack in the snow, or climb to mountain peaks that are covered in snow, you’ll want to treat the leather on your mountaineering boots to make sure that your feet stay nice and dry. All good mountaineering boots will have a Gore-Tex or other waterproof lining that will keep your feet …