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Category: Hiking Lady’s Tips

Calories Burned Walking & Hiking?

Want to know how many calories are burned when walking and hiking? Let’s just say that both are fantastic ways to spend an hour or more of your time. You can enjoy the fresh air, nature, beautiful vistas, and burn more calories than in most other activities! Assuming 1 hour of activity, and a person …


What is your dream expedition?

The highly respected wilderness education organization, National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), has partnered up with Patagonia to run a contest with a grand prize of a 30 day NOLS Wind River Wilderness Course. All of the gear, airfare, and 30 days of exploring the breathtaking Wind River Range in Wyoming? It sounds amazing, which is …


Traveling with your gear

How do Hiking Lady readers transport their backpacks and gear on international hiking adventures? I’ve received a lot of questions about this, and it seems that there are a lot of options for taking your backpacks and gear with you, including the very popular (and durable) North Face Base Camp duffel shown in the picture. …


Hiking on Private Property

Have you ever thought about hiking in the backcountry on private lands? I recently got a question from Dan, who is looking to explore a canyon that used to be an Indian Village. Want to know the best ways to get access to private lands? Check out my answer to Dan’s question about hiking on …


What size stuff sack should you buy for your sleeping bag?

Do you have a synthetic sleeping bag? Or a goose down one? Mummy shaped or rectangular? 40 degree rating or 0 degree? All of these factor in to what size compression stuff sack you’ll need for your sleeping bag. It can be overwhelming to parse down the different factors and decide which size is right …


Helmet cams – how to capture all the action!

Do you like adrenaline rush films – extreme hiking, mountaineering, skiing? Want to know how the athletes and photographers at the Banff Film Festival capture their great footage? The answer is a simple helmet cam. In the past, capturing video footage was extremely challenging. I read David Breashears book High Exposure, where he discussed many …


REI Partnering with NOLS to offer Wilderness First Aid Classes!

I’m really excited about this because Wilderness First Aid is something every hiker should know! What happens if someone you’re hiking with breaks their leg? Or cuts their leg on a rock? Or gets bitten by a snake? The $200 cost for the 2 day (16 hour) Wilderness First Aid Class with Wilderness Medicine Institute …


Sleeping bags for kids?

Yes, there are kids specific sleeping bags on the market, just like there are women’s specific bags. But it is worth investing in a sleeping bag for your children if you’re not sure they’ll like camping and backpacking? Here are my thoughts about whether to buy sleeping bags for kids, and some tips on what …