The Rosa fleece jacket is extremely stylish and elegant. Unlike a typical fleece jacket, the Royal Robbins Rosa Jacket has beautiful detail throughout. It is comfortable, durable, and machine washable!

Simply sign up below for a chance to win the a Rosa Jacket in your size! One winner will be selected at random and announced December 31, 2015.
Thank you to Royal Robbins for sponsoring this Hiking Lady Gear Giveaway!
How lovely!
Love it! Just getting in to backpacking, and would love to win this.
This would be perfect for my seven devils hike this spring!!!!
I’m not usually a big fan of fleeces, but that is very flattering and cute.
Love that it is not plain and boxy!!
I need a new fleece jacket. This one is beautiful.
This comment/question section is the only “entry” option I see below on how to qualify for the Royal Robbins jacket. Is this right or am I supposed to do it another way? I’m currently wanting to get into hiking/backpacking in 2016 so anything helps!
Hope to win!
That jacket is sooo cute!
This is a beautiful jacket! It looks very warm and cozy. It would be fun to wear and blend in on a snowy Colorado hike!
Good morning. I am entering to win the fall fleece jacket. Thank you for the kind offer and I hope you have a nice day. I found your website as I am new to hiking and needed some beginner tips.
Love it. How do you sign up?
Wow, it looks amazingly cozy!
That’s a really nice, warm looking jacket.
Wow! What a darling jacket. I would love to win this.
Wife would love it 🙂
It would be a sin to take such a pretty jacket hiking!
Gorgeous! I love that subtle pattern! <3
Love the pattern and detail on this jacket!
Great in the other colors too.
Love this beautiful jacket!
That is way nicer looking than your average hiking fleece!
I could definitely use a fleece going into the winter hiking months.
What a lovely jacket!
Love this jacket! It will pair nicely with the mountain trails in Virginia!
That jacket is sooo adorable!
Fleece jackets go hand in hand with Fall hiking!