Need some fuel on the trail? CLIF BAR is partnering up with Hiking Lady to offer a handful of readers a “Study Break” gift package!
They want students and work-a-holics of all ages to step away from their computers, get outside, and get active!
How do you enjoy your time outdoors?
Want a Study Break package from CLIF BAR? Here’s how to participate!
- If you have a Twitter account, jump online and follow @ClifBar. Then tweet #StudyBreak about what you like to do outside. For example, “Hey @ClifBar and @HikingLady – I wanna take a #StudyBreak and go hiking!” You’ll then have a chance to win!
- If you don’t have a Twitter account and prefer to use Facebook, go to the CLIF BAR Facebook page and leave a message on their page. Here’s an example: “Hiking Lady sent me and I want to win a Clif Bar Study Break package and get outside and go hiking!”
Did you know that outdoor activity can help keep our minds alert, improve our recovery time from stressful situations, and improve our self-image, social skills, and cognitive functioning? Amazing huh! There have been all sorts of studies proving this – no need to read all the academic studies…just get outside and take a hike – it’s good for you!
Winners will be chosen on Friday October 21, 2011.
Good luck and happy trails!
UPDATE 10/21/2011: The winners are @Day_Hiker and @DavidECreech on Twitter. On Facebook: Kim Groll Scornavacco, Barbara Woods Sanders, and Leslie Gerhardt! Congratulations!
Thank you for partnering with Cliff Bar and offering a contest for us to enter. I “liked” Cliff Bar and posted a comment on their site. Now just keeping my fingers crossed to be declared a winner!
How fun!
Clif Bars are the PERFECT item to toss in my backpack and take along for any outdoor activity. Thanks for hosting a give-away. I also posted on their FB page!
I just posted on their Facebook. I haven’t tried energy bars before but after the past few hikes I have been on, I think it is about time.
Thanks to you and the folks at Clif Bar for the opportunity! I’m all about stepping away from my computer, getting outside, and getting active! This is great 🙂