I never thought that a whistle could actually be considered superior to other whistles. I’ve been using an old aluminum one out on the trail until the guys at OHM Industrial Designers asked if I’d like to check out their latest and greatest whistle, the Fox 40 Sharx Whistle. These guys make the Fox40 Micro Whistle, which is designed to be a small emergency whistle for women to carry with them (to ward off attackers).
The Fox 40 Sharx Whistle has a very slick design – it is has an integrated rubber grip, which is great for rainy or damp conditions, and has a convenient key chain ring which can be easily clipped on to a carabiner and attached to your backpack. More importantly, it makes a piercing loud whistle noise when used, reassuring me that if anyone is within ear shot, I’ll be found if I’m lost on the trail.
I just got back from a local Southern California hike and was warned by a fellow hiker that a bobcat has been roaming the local trail and sidewalks. Having my Fox40 Sharx clipped to my hydration waistpack made me much more comfortable as I roamed the trails at sunset.

Bottom line: if you want a well designed, highly effective emergency whistle, this is a great choice. I keep one on my pack and one attached to my key chain for everyday safety.
Here’s my Fox40 Sharx on my REI Womens Traverse Daypack. I keep it clipped toward the top for easy access, plus it doesn’t get dirty when I set my pack on the ground.
- Emits sound power of 120dB, heard for miles!
- Designed to perform well in rough weather conditions
- Chain ring is rustproof
Thanks Chuck. I’ll have to look out for the Sonik Blast and test them out.
The Sharx is a great whistle but I think the new for 2010 Fox40 Sonik Blast whistle is louder. Also, Fox 40 makes a breakaway style lanyard to wear around your neck that keeps any whistle within easy reach when needed.
Thanks, Snowbird. I fully agree. On my backpacking pack, I used a small carabiner to keep it near shoulder height. When I’m not in the wilderness, I keep it on my key chain with my car keys.
Just a note to thank you for letting us know about this great product. However, for safety’s sake, please remember that a whistle, in addition to being ear-splitting, must be accessible NOW.
If you actually find yourself in an immediate emergency situation or attacked by a human or animal, within a second you are fighting for your life.
That whistle better be on a short bungee at nearly shoulder or mid-chest height on YOUR front attached to either you (BEST – in case you have to drop your pack) or your pack straps. In all likelihood, you won’t have a hand free to reach far for your whistle, as you’ll be using them for protection, defense and/or hanging on.