“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings, Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.” -John Muir
It is time to get outside! Now it is your turn to enjoy the benefits of spending time outdoors, get some exercise (in a fun way!), and go on an adventure! Happy trails! On HikingLady.com you’ll find:
- Geocaching: Outdoor Navigation with GPS Want to learn all about the sport of geocaching – what it is, how to play, and what you’ll need? Learn how to go about finding “caches” here.
- Places to Go:Articles and resources to help you plan your next adventure. Plus you’ll find cool stuff like info about a mountaineering museum on this page!
- Favorite Links: Links to other great hiking and backpacking websites and blogs!
- Organizations: Groups and clubs of people around the country who love hiking and are dedicated to the outdoors.
- Hiking News: A frequently updated page with news and articles that I know will peak your interest! (And perhaps inspire to you to climb a peak! :))
Happy trails!
Do you have a hiking group that you’d recommend others to join? Where are your favorite hiking trails and backpacking destinations? Contact us!