Hiking and backpacking trips require careful planning and packing. There will inevitability be unforeseen circumstances on the trail, so it is crucial to make sure you have your 10 Essentials. But equally important is remembering everything else that makes backpacking, camping, and adventure travel comfortable. I certainly am not a happy camper if I forget my stuff sack pillow…
Because I like to stay organized, after many hiking and backpacking adventures and referencing other camping checklists, I decided to put together a very comprehensive backpacking & camping checklist. It makes packing and planning much easier and provides a tremendous amount of piece of mind when I hit the trail. Hopefully this checklist I have created will make things that little bit easier for you.
Hiking Lady’s Backpacking Checklist
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How does this list compare to other camping checklists you’ve used? Feedback is always appreciated!