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Post-Hike Recovery Tips

After a long day on the trail, or upon returning from a multi-day camping or backpacking adventure, my body sure needs some recovery time!

How to help your body feel like 100% again?:

Put on a Pair of Compression Socks

Compression socks: Several companies make good compression socks, including these Sockwell Women’s Circulators, which help maximize circulation in your legs. The spandex in compression socks helps improve blood flow and therefore muscle recovery. I always put on a pair after a long trail run or hike!

Use a Muscle Recovery Gel or Ointment

Muscle Recovery Gels: If you’re really sore after a hike or workout, or develop those horrible leg pains known as shin splits, there are safe, homeopathic options such as Hyland’s Muscle Therapy Gel and Traumeel that can help your muscles recover! Both of these brands contain Arnica, a natural remedy for swelling and bruising.

Re-Fuel with a Nutritious Snack

Grab a snack! It is important to stay hydrated and eat nutritious food during and after any cardio activity, including hiking and trail running. Because they are so tasty and have a good mix of carbs and protein, I like CLIF Bar Crunch bars.

What have you found helpful for your body after a hike?

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